Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I Dreamed a Dream.

I am a dreamer. A dreamer in the sense that I have always had hopes, goals, deep heart desires and lofty ideas of what I would like to do. And for my generation, having a “dream” is completely perpetuated. Perhaps its because it’s the start of a new year, but I’ve read so much about what dreams people are going to pursue in the new year. After all, it’s that time. And let’s be honest, it makes people feel good to set goals and envision themselves doing something great (me included).

Yes, I am a dreamer. But the truth is, I am also just selfish. I stand on the line between God giving us natural talents that should be wielded well and “I personally think it’d be cool if I could… you fill in the blank”.  But if I spend too much time longing to “pursue my dreams” it begs the question: “What happens when my dreams don’t work out?” If they do work out… “I must be great!” If they don’t work out… “I must be a loser!” If someone else’s work out… “What do they have that I don’t? God must not love me.”

What if we all stopped pursuing our personal dreams and began pursuing Jesus instead?

I don’t mean we should quit our jobs or stop going to college. I don’t mean we shouldn’t try hard at whatever it is you’re involved in. I also don’t think you should shut down your blog or stop writing songs. And I know many responses will be, “But my personal dream does involve Jesus!”

…but does it really? Or does it just involve you getting what you want for whatever reason you want it?

What if the success of our personal dreams wasn’t the goal, but instead, the goal was the success of pursuing and knowing God no matter where we were or what we were doing?

We live in an age where the sufficiency of Scripture is under blatant attack. But it’s also not so blatant. When we begin dreaming, the attack often sneaks up in our hearts and behind our pulpits to push our selfish agendas. One can say with their mouth Scripture is sufficient to help them live well and then functionally live as if it’s not. There is an epidemic that says what God has to say in His Bible isn’t quite enough. “Interpret what you want, how you want and when you want. It’s about you, not about the living, breathing Creator. His Words are only sufficient if you feel like they are. If you don’t like them, just make them sound however you want. Pursue your dreams because you are special and use what God says wherever it works. Make his words to fit your agenda!”

It’s Satan’s lie.

Perhaps it’s because I have been studying Ecclesiastes, but to be honest, Solomon’s just took my soapbox to whole new level before I was ever on the radar. What good is pursuing my dream if it’s not utterly and completely about furthering the Kingdom of God in that we may know Him, please Him and pursue Him

My generation often assumes that God is going to begin something new with us.

But HE tells us through Solomon’s wise words that the only things that last forever are the things HE does himself. Nothing can be added to His works and nothing taken from them. That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been (Ecc 3). There is nothing new under the sun! God wants his people to have trepidation before him because He is all-powerful… exemplifying that we have nothing but to know Him. And if you know Him, then you can’t help but love Him.

This is not to make anyone feel particularly bad about having goals and dreams. I have lots! I always dreamed I would live in New York City (which I did for a short time), I dream to write, I dream to start a place where people can receive biblical counseling, I dream to help women become solid theologians, grounded in God’s Word, I dream to travel the world, I dream to adopt a sweet baby…. But if it’s a problem when those particular dreams don’t happen, they’re no longer dreams but idols that will eventually eat me alive. The truth is, if we find hope in being “something new under the sun”… if we find hope in being “the next big thing”, our hopes and dreams will come crashing down all around… as a people and as a church.

So, yes. Live well. Do great things. Invent new apps. Create non-profits. Go to law school. Run for office. But ONLY do them from of the outworking of knowing and loving Jesus Christ. Because at the end of today and when you die… He is your only advocate, He is the only One who makes you special (not your talents that HE gave you in the first place) and your eternity will last a lot longer than your today.